Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Cheap perfume from US, customs charges?
Legally yes you should be paying customs charges, whether or not you actually will have to ive pretty much found to be pot luck when ordering goods like this, sometimes your charged and sometimes not, If they can label it as gift then you definitly wont be, drop them an email and ask if they would send it labelled as a gift
Does Niagara Falls, Ontario have a continental or maritime climate?
It is inland but has more moisture in the air than either inland or oceanside places because of the volume of water ping over the falls. What does your text have to say on the subject? If no text, what do you think? It is also sandwiched between two large lakes. How does all this fit the definition of maritime climate? My inclination is that way, but last geography cl would have been 1964.
Would you rather live in London or New York?
I feel like London has that punky style that makes people look, whereas New York is urban, but still wearable. Opinions? Where would you live, and why?
What change was brought to the atomic theory due to Ernest Rutherford?
I searched on google and everything, but it didn't say how he contributed to the atomic theory. I know about the gold foil experiment, but I don't really understand it. Please help. I did the search, I just couldn't find the right answers.
Songs for talent show.....?
so im singing at this thing at my church. its like a little talent show. im trying to decide wat song to sing. right now i like "beautiful" by kari jobe. and "o, america" by celtic woman. i want some other options too tho. i want something soft and beautiful. nothing pop or rock. it will just be me and a piano. i dont really want it to be sad either. thanks!
2 poached eggs for Breakfast...?
you need the protien from the eggs, you get carbs from the bread and you like it. Go for it. Beats an egg mcmuffin or other fast food alternative.
Horse stall question?
Well you could try tying a rope between the two, (if there isn't one already) and see if that helps keep the two apart. Then it would be much easier to get one or the other out. Or you could simply put cross ties in the stall and hook the one that you aren't taking out to it. Sometimes I have the same problem when I'm getting the horses out of their paddock, so I always make sure to bring a lead rope so I can shoo the others away, or you could use your hands or a crop.
Small self doubt problems. Any ideas on fixing them?
I don't think a lot of us ever get over the needing to know phase no matter how old we are. I am tired of my boss taking credit for my suggestions that he implements then credits himself for but the way I look at it I'm 50 and secure as long as I feed him answers. I used to be afraid of change, still am, but your wise in not binding yourself to something that may be harmful to your reputation in your field whatever that may be. I would find out as much as I can about the position being offered then make your choice, I'm sure you know this but you like reinforcement. Good luck. And I think your girlfriend saw something worth grabbing a long time ago so good for her and the best of luck to you. It must be hard having the mind that you have don't take that wrong, I'm just amazed by your intelligence. Good luck
Will i lose weight if i eat after excercising?
Depending on the food you eat you will lose weight. If you're snack was something greasy, fatty, and sugary it's not going to help your cause. Try eating a healthy snack like granola, almonds, or fruits.
Broody again?!?! Just had baby.?
I'm broody again, i feel i want another baby right now, i want to experience pregnancy, go through labour and care for another baby. My son is only 9 weeks old and i love him to pieces and would not change him for the world but i feel as though i want another one. The thing is, there is no way on earth i could have another when my son is so small, i want him to have the time he needs with just me and his father before having more, i also don't think i could cope with another one so soon, we find it hard enough with one lol, so therefore me and my partner are definitely not having any for another couple of years, but i'm curious as to why i'm feeling like this? Is it just hormones?
Which names for....(PLEASE read details first)?
Gunther and Clarke. I chose them because they are easier to pronounce and read, and I thought they fit best. They both just seem to fit your discriptions best.
Excess Stomach/Pec Fat?
I currently weigh 180lbs. Bench 195ish, Squat 330, Deadlift 440. So i am in shape, But i cant shake this fatish look on my body. I want the flat chest, not fat on the pecs and abs. How can i loose this fat before lacrosse season?
Fantasy Basketball Trade?
I am in a points league. Every point, ist, Reb, Stl, and Blk count as 1 point each. Who would you rather have, T. Ariza or R. Foye?
C-Span Wed 10-3 on Burma?
Bush really cares for democracy, the goverment is holding its people hostage and we do nothing. This is a crime way greater than anything in the Middle East.
Creationists, why are there no ancient figurines of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures?
At best you will get references to overly debunked hoaxes, ignorant denials of radiometric dating, and allusions to leviathan and behemoth which could easily be poor translations, myths or creatures imagined from exposed fossils.
How can I prove I'm a harmless person?
I have been dating this guy for a month. I was diagnoised with mild schizophrenia and I used to cut last year, but I don't do it anymore, I still have a couple of scars on my arms that are barely noticable. one day we were at my place studying and he noticed one scar on my arm. he asked what happened and I told him how I used to cut and hear and see things last year. He acted weird when I told him. He avoids me and won't call me. He picks up when I call him but he still keeps his distance. His best friend said he was scared of me. He thinks I'm a pyscho or something. I'm not emo or gothic, in fact, I'm the complete opposite.I'm 16, I'm on the cheerleading squad, people say I'm preppy, ditzy and bubbly, I'm only 5'4 and weight 115 pounds, so I'm not big and scary looking. What do I do to show him that I'm a harmless person.
Guys please help...really need advice!?
Sorry Brookie but we men are slaves of the flesh! If you have "the goods" you need to show them to him! :)
What is the worse Christmas p[arty exchange gift you had recieved?
Christmas is so far off, but I can remember if I try...a purple candle that smelled like gumdrops, but it didn't really smell like gumdrops, it smelled like purple wax.
Modulus operator n c++?
try sending your number through a for loop as a string, but make sure the loop looks for the null character to terminate the loop. the loop prints the number and the requires white space after the number while a[i] !=Null. Don't print a new line. Thats all I can think of.
Anyone else had issues recovering your WoW account?
I have a level 80 Undead Warrior decked out with epic in a PvP server and a few other toons on a PvE server. Yet, when I filled out all the paperwork and emailed Blizzard they said that they could not allow me to recover my account because the ociated battlenet account was Trial? Huh?
Cout won't work inside switch statement?
I, L, h, or H do not have case statements for them. I only see A, a, B, b, C, and c. I think you also need a default case.
How do i know if my 9 once co2 tank has a leek?
i normally use HPA but when i want to shoot and im not at the field i usually fill my co2 at mc sporting goods. well, at our last big game i needed more air so i acrually used the co2. it was sitting on my back and i could hear hissing, (the leek) then a guy tells me it was spraying co2 out of it. it was a while ago so i dont know if it was the burst disk or not. i dont know how old the tank is. i do know that my couzin used it on his tippmann pump. i forget what model. mabey the tank is around 10 years of age. help pleese
Monday, August 15, 2011
Are the voters 'fixing the pump' today?
When that psychotic twit nancy seized power she said she would drain the swamp of corruption. Since that day corruption has only grown worse. Back door deals with obama care is a fine example and that's just for starters. So now is it time for the voters to get that pump running and drain that filth infested swamp the democrats have made?
Chronic congestion and post-nasal drip?
For years I have suffered from allergy related congestion that never, ever clears up. I am constantly hoarse, constantly sniffling, and often experience sinus headaches and sore throat. By Dr.s recommendations, I have tried Benadryl, Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin, and Drixoral, but none of them really work for me. Honestly, I'm totally used to this problem, but if there is a way to resolve it, I would be forever grateful.
What women really want?
I keep hearing women saying "there are no good men left out there". But usually I see women dating bad men, leaving those shrimpy good guys dateless. I feel sorry for my pal because he's a good guy but I cannot find him a date. I feel like the worst wingman in the history.
Is this something I can complain to my landlord about?
The guy below my apartment lives in a 1 bedroom with his son, maybe 8 years old. I never ever hear the kid making noise or trouble, but I constantly hear the dad BELLOWING at his son, screaming at him every single night, sometimes into the courtyard where it echos extremely loudly, but no matter where in the apartment he does it it is incredibly loud and frustrating. Is this an issue you would take to a landlord, or just one of those things you have to deal with in apartment living?
Catholics and others, how do you feel about the latest revelation about the Pope and child ual abuse?
As an individual who was baptized, reared, as well educated in a Catholic school; I must say it saddens me deeply to see this type of behavior is still going on and being over looked. However, it does not surprise me. From my own personal experience with the Catholic Church it does not surprise me at all. I must add my own personal experience within the Catholic Church gave me reason to question my own faith and beliefs for a long time.
Crazy gf, semi-long, but you dont have to read it all?
Why are you with that crazy *********?? Hight should not be an issue in a serious relationship. Diss her and find a girl that will appreciate you for who you are and what you do... I love clean guys so thumbs up:) You sound like a really nice guy, find a girl that will see that in you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated:)
How come I remember my dreams now in days (a lot of details inside, if anyone is taking their time to read)?
I didn't read it all because here is the honest answer people need to come to terms with. Dreams do not mean anything, they are randomly activated neurons in your brain and you piece them together to make a story.
My laptop overheats and shuts off constantly?
your laptop probably has dust in its fan, you cant see it. i wouldnt recommend this but my dad stuck a bobby pin in my laptop fan holes. my laptop died for about an hour and came back to life for some reason(?) the fan rarely overheated after
POLL: star signs....who else is on a CUSP?
I am a serious astrologer. May I please point out that you are probably not on the cusp. Only people born on the stroke of midnight are really on the cusp. If you know what time you were born you will see which you really are. If anyone wants to know what they are, and can provide the date and time, I will look in my ephemeris. One day only offer.
Fear of helicopter flying?
My father is an experienced helicopter pilot with well over 10,000 hours flying helicopters and around the same amount for fixed wings. He is the operations manager for a helicopter company and I am always being offered to go on flights that would usually cost 350$ or more for free, with him or with him and other pilots in AS350 squirrels or R44 helicopters. There is just one problem. I have an irrational fear of flying, fueled largely by the fact that 2 years before I was born a pilot who was not stating his position, came round a mountain in his aeroplane and crashed into my dads helicopter. My dad managed to get it down but his foot is still painful for him today and the guy in the plane was killed. It's not so much an "Oh might god I'm going to die fear" its just that I can't relax in a helicopter, I always have to be scanning the sky for other aircraft and listening out for irregularities in the helicopters rotor sound. Another thing I don't like is sitting in the helicopter while the turbine spools up- cool sound but it makes my heart beat faster and faster until I'm a bundle of nerves. Today is my birthday and my dad was doing sound checks on the squirrel up over some of the most scenic coast in the country but I had to turn down his offer for me to come with him out of fear of flying. Now I'm sitting at home at the computer half wishing I was in the Squirrel, half being glad I'm on the ground. What places or sites can help me with my fear and get me flying ?
What is it like at ft. bragg?
My husband is changing over from the national guard to activity duty. We were told that there is a good chance that we will be stationed at ft bragg. One of my big question is how is the weather there? But mainly just generally how is living there? The goods and the bads please
Can you please check for any grammar mistakes?
As the golden sun slowly descended from heaven’s throne, the blissful air silently coveted the restless men. A buffalo of immense stature would easily satisfy the hunger of the awaiting men. Before the beast even realized the impact, the men had launched a cleverly crafted tool into the animal’s beating heart, leaving it to a merciful death. Yet as the men feasted on their golden prize that night, little did they know that the same stone knife that had slain the beast would cripple humanity as it carved history’s long awaited path of technological advancement. Evolution has caused man to evolve their process of thinking, leading them to many advances in technology. These include our modern day phone, computer, and cars. However, as technology aids the evolving man, it can also harm humans and their environment.
Are these signs of a strained marriage?
What you describe is two "pis*ed off" people. God only knows what's stuck in their throats and it seems neither one is willing to find out! All their doing is destroying themselves. Ultimately, they'll leave each other and be bitter for the rest of their lives. The child will never really get over it! And sadder still is the fact that just a small effort for help from each could easily start a cure. Too Bad.
What could i use in place of Worcestershire?
You can use anything you want, it just will not taste right. Some ingredients just cannot be replaced or exchanged with satisfactory results.
Why are social Darwinists like Herbert Spencer demonized?
The lack of an objective description of why one society is more evolved than another is probably the most reasonable answer.
Why does Obama have a "new" Plan for Iraq?
There is a withdrawal plan in place, much to the dismay of the first two posters. They must have been in comas. Also, Obama's "23 months" is the time-line BUSH has already put in place, but he will surely take credit for it. I figure he will wait until his financial package is proved to fail miserably and then he will pull the Iraq "rabbit" out of his hat. It will likely be just before his next campaign. Those troops are going to be used as pawns! Obama is scripted. He is strategic in every move and he is good at it!
My kitten can't move his back legs! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!?
A couple of days ago I found a kitten in the ditch by our highway, so I decided to keep the little fella. For a couple of nights, he slept in the garage and got really fat, drinking off milk and eating crushed up cat food. He was really playfull, and was one of those cats that love attention, not the kind of kitten that is scared of people. I estimate he's about 2 months old, possibly 3 months old. This morning, my dog got the kitten in his mouth and started to shake and bite him! Now, the kitten seems to be doing better but i think his back legs are paralyzed. I lift them up gently and he doesnt even notice. I'm scared. My mom says she will call the vet but she is cheap an I doubt she will take him to get an appointment. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP! I love my kitten and I want him to be happy!
Will i see the stage from level 4 at the o2 arena?
im seein spice girls at the o2 arena tomorrow evening, my seats are on level 4. will i be able to see them on the stage at all? or are they going to be tiny specs in the distance. ive looked at the seat plan but it doesnt really give you an ida of distances!
I really need some biology help! Please?
You really can't answer a single one? I refuse to believe that. Look in your text book and do your own internet research and see how far it gets you. Don't be lazy!
What do I do? I can't get over him? I don't want to?
I've been told to wait it out and the right guy will come into my life. Well, what if the guy I've fallen for won't come into my life. What if my soul mate is unreachable? I can't keep my mind off of him. He just pops right in in the most unexpected moments of my day. I can't stop thinking about all the things we have in common. I dream, daydream, and think about him constantly, and I know I'll never date him, but I don't know what to do. I want to get over him, but I just can't...
What is a drug that can make you dream longer?
I am writing a novella and it is about a man who abuses a drug that can make you dream longer but may have terrible side effects when waking. Do you know a drug that is similar? Day dream drugs? strong hallucinogens?
What form of government would legislate this. A person has worked hard to provide?
medical care for himself and his family either through his work place or just purchased the best insurance that is available then the government pes a health care bill that declares this a Cadillac insurance coverage and taxes the citizen for having it? If then the citizen decides that he wil just drop all his insurance and go it alone the government can and will penalize him ot put him in jail. Both examples are in both bills being considered. Please do not grade the english just answer the question.
Help with Chipotle calories?
Alright, so today I went to a Chipotle for the first time in my life and was pleasantly surprised to find a range of calorie estimates for each order (320-620). However, the order apparently included three (I thought it'd be just one-- I ordered soft tacos with chicken, romaine lettuce, salsa, and cheese). Now, would the range of 320-620 be per taco or per order? Thanks!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Why is there a Anti-Israeli Protest Stand outside M&S in Marble Arch?
It's because Marks and Spencer are Jewish owned. Many years ago, they were doing this outside of Tesco because they wanted to stop people buying Golden Delicious apples, something to do with apartheid. I just walked over them.
A bird keeps banging into my?
I think its a robin, but I cannot be sure. All i hear is banging almost like a woodpecker but then ill see it bumping its beak at the base of the door, tapping away. Other times it will be bumping into the windows. Its only one bird, and I wondering if anyone knows why its doing it.
How much ammonia can a Betta handle?[cycling]?
put the betta in his new tank! a tank will not cycle without a living organism in it. bettas cant produce a ton of ammonia by them selves. dont over feed. do a 25% water change every few days! Good luck!
Why is it that hell is undesirable?
u cant bear a small burn in the hand let alone hell.................it is not as simple as you think it is.
Itunes?upload videos to Ipod Nano?
I want to upload some videos to my Ipod, but it says they cannot be played on this Ipod. Can I convert them? They're formats are; DCF File, Movie Clip (thats all it says and opens with windows media player), and Video clip. What format do I need to play them on my Ipod? Converter must be quick to download because i do not have broadband and preferably free. The converter in Itunes does not work. I have an IPOD NANO.
This bank we had refuses to take our delinquency off the credit report and we can't buy a house...?
We are trying to buy a house and our loan officer says that we can't unless we get we get this bad record off our credit report. We had a company take care of it for us and it still shows. We called the company that took care of paying them off and they said that 2 other banks bought them out while in the process of us paying it off. We called the other banks and their is no record of us. Then we called back the original bank and they said that they won't take it off our credit report because it is not their fault. I'm going to try to dispute the credit agencies but we need to try and close our loan the end of the month, otherwise the sellers may try and find someone else. Is there any other quick suggestions?
Should Kobe be worried?
lol, wow Richie just isn't shy on T.V, but why did she look so fat in the video, it's like she just had a baby or something. I wouldn't mind the skinny version of here. lol
Do I have a first or 2nd degree burn?
Yesterday a little boy touched my leg with a sparkler and it immediately burned off a layer of my skin. It is a pinkish red and white in the middle of the area and it stings. It is about the size of a nickle so it isn't very big, but I just wasn't sure of the seriousness or if it was 2nd degree. Okay thanks!
I heard rawhide is bad for small dogs but are pig skin rolls?
I have a 15 lbs dog. She doesn't eat them hardly at all but she ate one today and it got me wondering.
My dad annoys the hell out of me!?
You should be proud of yourself for acting so mature. Your father in the other hand is a neanderthal. I usually don't say this, but in this instance you don't need to listen to your father, just ignore him. Hopefully your sister won't make a mistake, and get pregnant just to get even with your dumb dad.
What should i tell her? (best friend problemo D:)?
Tell her exactly the way you feel because she is being extremely immature about this situation. If she still feels that way then let her. I know Jose must mean alot to you but if she's going to treat you that way then she isn't worth it. Also, if you guys decide to make-up..You should tell her that you shouldn't let your love come in between your friendships. You should simply compliment each other's drawings and let that be it. But in a best friendship, one friend always had more power. In this situation, she was jealous because she's used to getting all the compliments and because you stole her limelight, she got jealous and mad. So she had to do something to top you again. It's just girl drama with personally, I agree is very stupid. My advice is to just explain to her what you feel and think, and tell her that she means alot to you and you guys shouldn't fight especially over drawings. If she really is your best friend, then she will forgive you. Everyone gets in fights and things happen. But if she doesn't, so be it. Continue drawing and making people things. But if she says anything just ignore her. You don't want to add more fire to the big one already. Good luck and hope I helped :)
My ex wont talk to me help?
My boyfriend broke up with me 15 days ago and has not talked to me since.I will admit the relationship was hard to manage and it moved a bit fast for him. i know he loved me because he told me time and time again what a difference i made and that he finally knew what it was like to love and be loved he treated me the same from the beginning to the end opening doors just laying and watching the starts he was different from the rest wasn't afraid to show he cared it just all became over whelming. in the begging i didn't want to except it but i have not tried to contact him in 11 days because me and his mother were talking and she said he just needs space and time she said i know he cared about you and he will talk to you again im just not sure when my question is when should i try to send him a text or give him a call if he needs space ill give it to him but i hope that we can be friends im not sure where to go from here. and yes my motives are only to become friends nothing more.
A gold fish alive in salt water! How? Why?
I have the little guy in with my fiddler (half land half salt water) and hes still alive! All the other types of feeders dies within a week but hes been in there for a month now! I also had another one in there that lived for over 3 months before it finally died but its only the gold fish that seem to surive...why is that? is it even logical? Since gold fish are fresh water.
Video converting istance?
I am using a cannon DVD video recorder with Sony DVD-RW re-recordable disks. The disks won't show up on the computer withut a certain format and I need a way to convert them to a certain file so i can edit my filming on windows movie maker. I've been using AVS Video Conmverter 6.5 and every ten minutes the time I ahve to wait for it to load jumps up an hour. So I went from have an hours wait to having an eight hour wieght within five hours. Anyone know a better system I can be using?
Will the England team change much from the World Cup?
When the qualifiers start won't it be the same old faces Johnson, Terry. A.Cole, Barry, Lampard, Gerrard & Rooney then you will probably add Ferdinand when fit and the likes of Milner or Lennon and Crouch or Defoe up front
Is this good? It's a story I made up a while ago...just wonderin'..?
i agree you have potential , but have more dialogue to bring the action out to the reader. dont get me wrong, you have good descriptive style of writing, i loved the intro.
I'm addicted to the internet. I need tips to wean myself off.?
This morning a wrote affirmations to use the internet in moderation. But I wound up spending most of my day on it anyway, like I usually do. I gotta cut this out! Any tips?
NBA 2K10: ociation Lineup?
Seems like a decent team. I like AK47 in 2K10 but I prefer playing him at the 4. I'd move him there and try to make a move for as good of a small forward with a 3 pointer as you could get, as your starters aren't great shooters. Also, Stuckey is mediocre. I always need a stud point guard when I play 2K10. Rose or Rondo would make that team awesome.
Can you help me write a killer "after interview thank you note"?
I want to tell the woman who interviewed me how incredibly warm and friendly she was, and that she made what normally is a grueling process for me a pleasant one because of how down-to-earth and helpful she was. Can you help me write this professionally? It's for an administrative position.
ACL injury, Please advice?
AJ, I would ask your orthopedist the amount of the tear. If the tear is anywhere around 50% I would advice a surgical treatment. The reason for this is the ACL serves 2 purposes. The first is to keep the thigh bone, femur, in constant contact with the shin bone, tibia. In between the 2 bones sits cartilage and a set of meniscus. If the ACL is not capable of holding the bones together then there will be a bouncing of the femur on the tibia. This will destroy the meniscus and then the underlying cartilage on the tibia and the cartilage on the femur. This will cause an early arthritic condition to form. The other function that this ligament does is to prevent the femur from slipping forward on the tibia. So to have instability of this ligament is to allow the knee to slowly and prematurely deteriorate. If the tear is less than 40% there is a chance that it will heal on its own. That will require a lot of therapy but in the end it will be okay. Tears greater than that are just not stable. Good luck and hope that this is helpful.
When i work out should I be?
Just because your muscles don't get sore doesn't mean they aren't growing. Your muscles aren't getting sore because they are already used to the work out, but you are still getting stronger.
How should I tell my parents I want to drop out of college?
You should talk to the college adviser or campus support first to find a better way and really find out why you do not want an education. Sit down with your parents and explain why you don't feel like pursing this. Is it the school, studies, friends, etc. I don't think they will "cut you off", but on the other hand if you're not in school they will probably expect you to get a full time job and support yourself. Did you just start or are you near the end? All this will factor in.
Female fronted heavy metal bands?
I am looking for a female fronted heavy metal band who has riffs like black sabbath but with a female singer Please no screamers or growlers i like clean vocals thanks.And yes i think Ozzy rules!!!
What are your thoughts on these names?
I think Blaze Oliver is ok, but not a big fan of any of the boys names. I do not like Quinlan at ol. Same with the girls names, the only one I like is Sienna but for sure not combined with Bridgette.
Would you consider some of david stern's rules racist?
It doesn't seem racist to me, and not all rappers have to be black. I think he just doesn't want that stuff to influence the younger people and get them confused with the other people who dress like this and are not necessarily a "good role model".
What is the best and easiest software to create a lyric video for youtube?
me and my friends are making a youtube video for Jordan Gable and we need to know what software works the best that is free. helpp? :(
Most frugal wedding?
Well since you are having a simple reception and will be in this clothing for a long time outside I would say skip the huge gown and suit thing. Maybe a cute simple white sundress for you and a white on up silky shirt for hubby and think khakis. You can buy these things at JcPenney, Sears etc. For the reception...rent tables and chairs that are not super formal looking. White paper table clothes and simple centerpieces. I love the goldfish in a rose bowl idea for centerpieces. Since you are doing the reception outside I would go with a picnic theme for food. Walmart or Sams could do this for you. You could also get party subs made to your liking at Subway. Chips, salads, veggie trays, fruit trays or fruit kabobs. I would not go with a caterer just pick the food up yourself. Maybe higher an older teen from your church to keep an eye on things while you are at the wedding and they can start setting out food and such while you are having your pictures taken. Someone can just notify them after the ceremony is over. With 50 people you could do this for far less then $1000. I would ask MIL to chip in as well since she invited alot of people. BTW Walmart makes the best wedding cakes. The best tasting ones I ever had and they are so inexpensive also.
After doing my LLB (English law) can i go onto do the JD in America?
Have you actually started your LLB yet in England? Have you considered becoming "dual qualified"? Some countries give at least partial recognition to foreign legal qualifications. It is perfectly possible for a foreign lawyer to fast track qualification in England, and likewise English lawyers can do so abroad. British legal journals like Student Law Review are usually full of adverts like "qualify at the New York Bar". Maybe this could be of some help to you?
Is Ben Roethlisberger the best or what?
I'm not talking Fantasy, or even straight up stats (which he does well at), but with such a shotty offensive line (if Brady or Manning were hit that often, they'd have been sacked a million times this year) he "wills" his team to victory. When nobody can catch (Spaeth and Holmes right in a row) he runs it in 30 yards, bustin' through poor little safeties on the way. When he needs to throw a dart, he does. Big Ben is a god.
Help me get out of a terrible lease!?
Send all repair requests in writing, certified mail. Also call in a health or building inspector. DO NOT just take pictures and move out, you will lose in court.
Hmmm biblical, science question?
um well i guess that is entirely possible. we will never know for sure. but really i have found that time is pretty elastic and the bible is a book that was translated many times and before that wasn't even written down so it is also entirely possible that people just messed up the numbers and just said ones that sounded like a long time to them. it also doesn't actually give you a zero time that people started counting it. i just think that 10,000 years ago people started marking time. marking time is such a modern thing to do.
Why did kevin klutz give up tap dancing?
Although he loved the activity he wasn't good at it and he was ridiculed for it and thus the name A Klutz for someone uncoordinated.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Bi Curious, need some help, only 15?
I really would not worry too much about this. Many guys can get turned on around your age by naked women and men. It may be that you are just going through a phase and your ual attraction to guys will fade. It also may be that you are and that either turns you on and will continue to for life. I am but I have a preference to guys. Either way you are fine and should not be worried that you are not normal. Later on you may decide to act on your ual attraction to guys and hook up with one or more. I am a person who believes you should try something to see if you do like it. Try it and find out.
Should I un-invite my sister to my wedding? Please read EVERYTHING before you answer, it's a tough one!?
You're right, this is a very tough situation. So as it stands now, she is un-invited? But can you trust that she actually would not show up? From your description, it sounds like she might be liable to show up regardless. She knows where it is, afterall! Obviously your family is aware of this behavior. Maybe your fiance's side doesn't know all the details, I'm not sure. But would it be possible to talk with your family and tell them your concerns if she were to show up and maybe arrange for a couple of them to "handle things" if she starts any trouble? I understand it's hard to un-invite your own sister, but also understandable that you don't want that added stress that day. Just talk to your family and see how they can help you smooth things out if it comes to that. Best of luck!
How to unlock lg dare to metro psc and access the internet on psc?
You might be able to flash the phone over to their network (contact Metro about this first) but unfortunatley you wont be able to access the internet on thier network...the other network tied features such as MMS might also not work so...
Which colleges to apply to?
you want to go to a UC? Bleh. You oughtta get out of california as quick as possible. as far as state colleges go, i like university of utah over in salt lake. I'm a native californian, and after a year in utah i wished i had left sooner. Its a top school in a great city and you would have a great time :)
What books should i buy?
check with the professors you have and see what they recommend. There are thousands of books that could be of value to you but not to the individual courses you're planning on taking.
Did Human comes form Mars or other planet?
There is an extensive fossil record showing that man evolved here on Earth. The meteors you mention are far older than human life, so are irrelevant to the discussion.
Vegeta and Piccolo. What is going on between those two?
On DBZ, there have been a few times where Vegeta and Piccolo have had their bouts. What is going on between those two? Is it a power thing or do they just not like each other? Do you think it is because the Saiyans, who were once under Freeza's power, used the Nameks therefore causing them to believe that Nameks were beneath them? I have always thought there was something racial going on there. I may be wrong. This isn't a serious question (obviously), but one I wanna know other peoples' thoughts on. Thank you.
Husband has lost his marbles?
Your culture is very different than how he is choosing to live, but for some cultures, this is all very normal. If you intend to continue in this marriage, if you care about him and want to make this work, then perhaps you should make an attempt to loosen up and try to enjoy some parts of this lifestyle with him. I'm not saying to do everything he's asking. Maybe you can find a compromise. If he wants so much more than you do, then, you should let him know that it's ok for him to masturbate sometimes. If he would stay away from the adult movies, and things that are arousing him, then, he may not have the desire for so often. If you are trapped in this marriage, then, you're going to have to find a way to deal with it. I don't know what country you are in, but sometimes, it's better to leave these situations and deal with those consequences.
Am i right in thinking......................…
You are correct for your first two questions, and I believe the wide angle lens is sed for making a pan shot, one that covers a lot. Don't use it in a crowd, though and make sure you have a relatively simle shot to take with it which benefits by the extra expanse.
Do other marriages have problems equal to mine?
Ok from a outside point of view your husband is meant to be your equal! Sounds like a bully to me and you do not sound like a happily married woman at all.Obv he wouldn't need to mention divorce because everything is going his way and you comply to his demands and behave the way he wants you to!He sounds like a male chauvinist and a moron.x
Question: My boyfriend is at Sheppard AFB and I am going to see him in about a month...?
Is there anything I can do to suprise him ually? Anything out of the normal that would be fun to try?
How old is a male chicken before it's obviously a male chicken?
usually the males will have redder combs and wattles (and bigger too). Also the males will start to have curled tails by the time they are 2 months old. That's when I could tell their with my plymoth rocks. By now it should be obvious which one is the rooster and hen.
Recipies that use a lot of egg whites?
I made a pie and have 8 left over egg whites. I don't want to waste them and a meringue only uses 3. Does anyone have any recipie that use 8? They can be doubled if necessary. Thank you.
Will you answer this anyway?
I don't know what question you asked honey,if you asked any at all! Maybe that's why you are getting the thumbs down lol
What does this action of hers mean?
hey,kindly give some advice on this incident. There is this girl who stopped and even asked her friends to stop speaking to me,but i just kept cool and didnt do anything of any sort which hurt her.We didnt speak for almost 8 months.But she spoke to me 2 days back.I was cool and spoke to her softly as if nothing happened.when she started speakin to me her face lit up and i just loved that.It appeared that everything was going on well untill i observed her hands,she was kinda playing with it,she must be very nervous speakin to me,but i just maintained my calm.After abt 5 minutes she said that her friend was waiting for her so i bid her good bye in a very pleasant way.After some time i found out that no friend was waiting for her and it was all made up..I was a bit broken.She didnt even bother to text me later.Kindly make some things clear for me.Is it the way the things are appearing to be.
Should McCain apologize for signin, "Bomb Iran"?
McCain, a senator, n president wanta-b, sang th song, "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran. This milieu creates an adverserial political environment n endangers th lives of many Americans. If 50 nuclear weapons r detonated, we will all die of a nuclear winter. It was reckless of McCain to do such a thing n not consistent with a leader of this country.
Is he gay and more importantly, does he like me?
I think he might be Gay. But just to make sure you can ask him. Ask him if he has a girlfriend and if he dosnt ask if if he has a boyfriend. I personally think that he likes but he dosnt want anyone else to know about it.
Can my sisters laptop play sims 3?
Id say that would be a definite yes, but id make sure of that before id buy or preorder, if it runs slow ou can go in options ad lower the settings, so there you go.
Are there usages like "prime fruit", "prime land", "prime day"?
There is nothing prime but land and meat as it have been mention through out history.There is no prime fruit,because certain fruit would have to be signaled out,for that category.QUALITY, IS PRIME FOR QUANTITY.
Is there a way I can find my biological father? His name's not on my birth certificate.?
My mum had an affair and I was brought up thinking another man was my father. I only found out last year (aged 22) that he wasn't. The only information I have is his name, his surname's unusual and I don't know how to spell it, and his location back in 1984. Have tried loads of different spellings & he doesn't seem to be on electoral register/friends reunited/genes reunited etc. Can't afford a private detective & don't know where to turn. Most charities only help adoptees and I'm the result of an illicit affair. Feel crap and would appreciate any advice. Thanks.
♦ "Twelve Angry Men" , question!! ♦?
Using evidence from the play,support the idea that some jurors do not care about facts of the trial, they just want to get it over with.
If you were to consider Pluto a planet, would there be 14 planets in the solar system?
I still think Pluto is a planet, so to me, there are still 9 planets in the solar system. I know that scientists have discovered other so called "dwarf planets" like Ceres, Eris and Haumea. Including Pluto, there are 5 dwarf planets in the solar system.So, if you still consider Pluto a planet, would there be 14 planets in the solar system?
Survey for school project? please take!!! (18 and over)?
If you ever get a change to go to the Henry Ford museum in Dearborn, Michigan you will find one these homes displayed in the museum. It's quite interesting to go through
He's trying to play hard to get with me, how do i make him jealous and want me like never before?
Alright well making him jealous may not be the route to go...it could all just end up blowing up in your face! and then there is no you and this dude. What you should do is basically make sure u look your best at all times and be the sweetest and nicest girl at the party. Dont say anything mean about anybody. Be an angel and compliment everyone. SPECIALLY HIM! Trust me the only thing he'll be thinking about is you!
How to organize a stage makeup kit?
Sounds like two tackle boxes would be the answer. One for foundation, powder, things that take time to apply and don't really get use last-minute, and the other for the touchup items, like lipstick, eyeshadow, liners, mascara.
How to describe my subject with more than one adjective in French?
Say I want to describe a dish as 'flavorful' and 'spicy'. Would this be 'un plat savoureux et �pic�'?
I NEED HELP.............?
Sounds like a huge cultural difference between yours and mine (USA). I try to value my children for who they are and respect their achievements on an individual basis. Not all children do as well in school as others but that is not necessarily an indicator of how successful they will be in life. Please read this article a href="http://delvisionaries.com/blog/2010/04/self-made-entrepreneurs-and-the-value-of-a-degree/" rel="nofollow"http://delvisionaries.com/blog/2010/04/s…/a but understand that this list is by no means complete. They left out a lot of famous names, such as Walt Disney, founder of the huge Disney corporation and tremendous visionary and high school drop out. Talk to your parents. Let them know that you are crushed that they only acknowledge your failures and refuse to accept your successes. Let them know that you are doing your very best in all things, and will continue to do so, but that you certainly would appreciate it if they would at least acknowledge your efforts. Parenting is not a competition where some parents win because their children are successful in school and other parents lose. Good parenting is accomplished when our children are confident and are motivated to do their very best. Since you are trying and doing your very best, they should be proud to have produced a motivated young adult who will likely go very far in life because of that motivation. (Often children who do well in school because they are very smart don't accomplish much in 'real life' because they are unmotivated and accustomed to 'resting on their laurels.')
Can anyone tell me the lyrics of the title song of lux dance india dance?
i want to know the lyrics and if you can give me the direct link 2 download the song it would be very nice
Is it safe for americans to buy property in el salvador?
my husband and i are thinking of buying some land near la libertad (roca sunzal). we have a partner who lives there and is salvadorian. we would have a lawyer draw up the partnership contract and build some bungalows to rent to travelers. any advice or resources for information would be much appreciated.
Is watering a plant with salt water better for it?
my basil plat is dying hopelessly, but i know from my biology cles that plants need sodium, so i was wondering if watering a plant with salt water would be better for it
Ideas for wearable arts competition?
I have one idea of making a pea dress. Any other ideas? The only limitation is it must be able to be transported and worn by a model.
I hate my mom! Who can help me?
I HATE MY MOM, I hate her so much. She always takes her anger out on me and my dad. She even yells at me fot the tiniest things. Also she always has an attitude. She always tells me if someine gives you an attitude you give them one right bak ( that is when she is in her gud mood that only last like 2 min). So when she gives me attitude I give it to her right back, and she yells at me when i do. Plus she always thinks Im getting smart with her. Like just now a new series called Teen Wolf was suppose to go on tonight at 11pm and I told her duz she want 2 watch it with me and she started yelling OH NO ARE YOU STUPID U NEED TO GO TO BED ND I NEED TO GO TO WORK SO HELL NO GET THAT IN YOUR HED YOU ALWAYS THINK ITS PARTY TIME PARTY TIME PARTY TIME uuggghhhhhhhhh she gets me sssoo mad I hate her. Also another thing is I am suicidal. And my parents dont know tht. So if she makes me snap Imma yell at her saying shes the reaon why i wanna kill myself and i am gona kill myself wen tht happens. I have a lonely and dark life. My house is haunted by like 3 demons ( not kidding ) and shes like the devil she aalllwaayysss yells at me for no reason. My dad even tells her sometimes to leave me alone and tht your wrong for yelling at our daughter so then they get into a bbiigggggg fight. And she always says tht shes gona trade me for a little girl with blue eyes so she could b better then me, and i tell her wut iz she waiting for i bet the foster parents r gona b way better than she iz. And wen ever me and brother fight she takes hiz side. aalll the time. SO KAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLZ
Friday, August 12, 2011
Do you agree with the notion that Prostitution helps minimize incidents?
Dubai, Bangkok, Vancouver. Amsterdam - cities which have legalized prostitution in one form or the other - have fewer incidents than say, New York City where it is still illegal and hence, underground and controlled by the Mafia. I think prostitutes help unease the mental and relationship vacuums in the lives of many single men, especially Expats who might otherwise resort to , or at least unwarranted ual molestation in the work place. Not all men can have live under vow of abstinence.
Grades to get into UBC?
So, this is my final year of high school and I plan on graduating in June of 2011. As far as I know, UBC only considers the grades of your four provincially examinable courses. This term, I've got two of my four courses: English and History. In History, my grade is somewhere between 93 - 96. In English, however, my first term mark is 86% (I still have a chance to upgrade it by the end of the semester). However, I was wondering how difficult it is to get into UBC for the arts and if I have anything in particular to worry about at this point in terms of my grades...?
1998 chevy s10 pulls to left when driving and alignment question!!!?
I just bight a 98 chevy s10 v6 the truck is lowered and for some reason none of the tires are the same brand. I was looking at the tires for there max psi and the back said 35 and the front said 45 could I be getting this pull and rough ride from different sized tires? I think I'm going to get some tires from a junkyard and then get them balanced and then I'll get an alignment. But befor I do this does anyone have any other ideas why my truck pulls and wobbles abit.
Should i dump him?:(?
Let him go. Someone should care for you so much that they don't even want to be with someone else, even if it's a "superficial fling". Believe it or not, there are guys out there who would never dream of asking something like that to their girlfriend, so let him go sooner rather than later and find someone who loves you better.
Story ideas, need help!?
HOLY GUACOMOLY haha sorry thats ggood. buut i think you should name the kidnapped girl either : Mary, Molly, Alyssa, or Mia. the other girl who helps her should be like : Cie, Carlie, Zoey, or Casey. the skylark has to be what a kid would name it riight ?? so you could do something generic like Rosie, or Maylee. hope this helps
Someone locked my bank account?
I have a savings and checking account with Citadel. the Savings account had roughly $3100 in it and the checking had maybe a few dollars. so about 2 weeks ago I transferred money from my savings to my checking just fine. well today I go to see how much money I had in my savings but when I go to log in on the banks website, it says that my account has been locked and to call them for istance. I figured maybe my mom locked it for some reason (Im 17 so she can do that) I old my mom about it and she said she didnt lock it. well the only other person that could have locked it is the bank, but can they do that? if they can then why would they?
Is the chickenpox booster shot necessary?
Yes, a booster shot is neccessary because the first chicken pox vaccine loses it's effectiveness over time.
What do you think about these situations ?
Stealing Israel from the Arabs and giving it to the Jews after World War 2 worked out so well that I can't wait to see how your little plan goes.
Induction Problem Help PLZ?
Scientific work is currently underway to determine whether weak oscillating magnetic fields can affect human health. For example, one study found that drivers of trains had a higher incidence of blood cancer than other railway workers, possibly due to long exposure to mechanical devices in the train engine cab. Consider a magnetic field of magnitude 1.00 10-3 T, oscillating sinusoidally at 73.0 Hz. If the diameter of a red blood cell is 7.80 �m, determine the maximum emf that can be generated around the perimeter of a cell in this field.
Why is everyone blaming Obama for Bush's economic mess, have you got any better ideas?
He inherited the economic problem and a failed war, now the same vomit, (Newt Gingrich), the architect of this Bush debacle, is on a Republican smear machine to undermine the Obama administration.
So I am planning to peirce my ear, does the first earring need to be gold?
It all depends on the ear piercing that your getting. If your getting a lobe piercing it is preferable to use gold. If you are getting another type of ear piercing.. surgical steel is alright to use.
Can you suggest a paint color(s) for Venetian Plaster Wallpaper?
I just ordered some paintable venetian wallpaper from Sherwin Williams and am excited and don't know what color will work in my kitchen remodel. The cabinets are going to be a medium oak stain and we are putting up waincot stained in medium oak. I've many paint chips and didn't know there could be some many tan and gold yellow colors available. I don't like sunny yellow but do like medium warm golden colors. Can someone recommend warm colors to give the tuscany color that I'm looking for?
Juliet Marillier's new book Heart's Blood?
What age is this book intended for? Is it a young adult book like Wildwood Dancing and Cybele's Secret, or an adult book like...everything else?
How can I push myself to stay up for the day?
I've been going to sleep at 6-8 am every single day from insomnia and it needs to stop! I want to stay up all day today so I can go to sleep around 9pm. What can I do to push myself to the night without being unbearably tired? Should I drink a lot of caffeine? Exercise or not exercise? Just want to make this a painless effort!
Do you speak your mind freely in person when someone is ignorant or wrong about gender issues?
Well...yes. I'm a bit tired of trying to explain there is nothing “natural” in a human world, so, since I'm not a woman who tents to a natural behaviour, something is wrong with me. Yesterday a co worker told me "You must be treated badly for a man"...I answer her that some of them treated me bad, some of have treated me well, in the same way women have treated me bad or well. How do you explain that ignorant person empowerment is not revenge???...
Buying my first telescope..............Need help!!?
My son is 13 years old and he has been interested in science since he was young. We have both went to our local observatory which got us even more interested. We have been looking at telescopes and we found a great review here http://findascope.com/. So, we chose to get the Orion SkyQuest XT8 Clic Dobsonian Telescope at Amazon. We don't know much about which scopes we should get, about collimating, and all the extra add ons. Also, please give lots of information and if I should get a different telescope By the way, we want a telescope to see planets, stars and galaxies if possible. I really need all the advice I can get and tips for a beginner. Thank you for helping.
Pea coat arm length, how long?
I just got a new pea coat and was wondering what's the general rule on the arm length. Everything else about the coat fits great but I feel the arm length is a tad long. The sleeve on my coat ends at the halfway point of the palm. Is that too long? should it be at the wrist? I'm used to wearing fit, snug jackets that hug your body but I understand a pea coat is supposed to be a little roomier.
Why are my parents so weird like this?
They are parents and love you and since you are getting older and know that you can leave them at any time there trying to protect you spend some more quality time with them board games pizza night show them that you can hang with them too and not have to go party all the time. im a mom of a 4 yr old and soon to be a mom of a newborn and there both girls im sure ill be asking for advise on parenting soon enough. good luck and hope they lighten up. coodos for being a good kid
Does the Creative Genius of Conservatives Create Liberalism? Doesn't the extra money that Conservatives?
Liberal policies have good intentions, it's just that they don't work and in the long term they oppress the very people they were intended to prop up.
Does a wedgie mean she likes me?
Aww you're cute. Just tell her you like her. Even if she doesn't like you, she'll probably still be friends with you, although I highly doubt that she doesn't.
Is it possible to avoid all Israel entry/exit stamps?
Israeli border officials will not stamp your pport if you ask them, instead they will attach an entry form to it, this form will be detached when you leave, HOWEVER if you visit Israel exiting Jordan and entering Israel (on land) the Jordanian exit stamp (King Hussein Bridge crossing Bridge) will tell all you have been here, so in reality if you want no stamp you would have to fly in and out of Israel.
Do you think that the Republican Senators will try to Filibuster President Obama's Stimulus Plan?
I think so, and I think the Democrats should make them stay up all night reading the phone book in order to keep the floor. None of this buckling under to threats. Make them do it. ∠°)
What do you do when you suddenly feel a loss of connection with your significant other?
*Shrug* I guess that sums it up. I was feeling so close to him for a while there, then we had some talks and I'm just not feeling the spark anymore. The talks were on how I got a little upetty about him saying he would come see me then just up and going home instead. It was upsetting because he had asked me to divulge some of my past which hasn't been great, then got really really quiet for a while, then instead of coming he send a text and hour and half later saying he was just going home because it was late and he didn't want to bother me. He says I get anxious over things and that stresses him out. I don't want to stress him out. Sometimes I'm less worried and asking for openness and honesty. I'm a straight forward type of person. Just let me know what's on your mind. Ever since that conversation I just haven't been feeling the emotional connection from him and it's significantly less toward him. He also wasn't happy that I put Henna on my body because it says it reminds him of people who wanted to kill him while he was in the military. I didn't think about it. I just did it because it's something I like to do. I don't know...
Can you answer these questions?
You should be docked 75 points. These are old questions that have been answered time and again on here. Get a life.
Thermo 3 diet pills need help?
ok so i orderd these pills on ebay called thermo 3 basicallyt what they are is green tea so it says does anyone know anymore info about them it would really help me or do some research if you have a myspace then you can add me www.myspace.com/takenbyzac trhxs guys/girls
Who else thinks Holocaust jokes are totally disgusting?
i think there sick. my great grandfather DIED in Auscwitz. (He got drunk and fell out the guard tower)
I can't find the last four hidden spiders in noir goblin dimension.?
the game says i have 4 /8 left but they are not in the spots they need to be. they are not even there. it's in spiderman: shattered dimensions.
How to make a crossover cable out of a spool of ethernet cable, crimper and connectors?
We have cable, a crimper and the RJ45 connectors laying around our office. I know the TX and RX are switched in a crossover cable. But is it as simple as taking regular ethernet cable and swapping those two little wires on one end? Or is it specially constructed all the way through the cable, and my making my own in this case will ruin the "CAT 5e" rating or so? Anyone know? In worst case I may just give it a shot and see... Thinking about it logically I can't see how there can be anything else to it except flipping those two little wires on one end.
What should I wear to a fair?
1 or 6 i wouldnt wear a skirt to a fair if i was going to get on rides id be afraid something might show sooner or later while getting on or off a ride
Have you tried Primal Strips?
If you have tried them what did you think of them? I just tried the teriyaki seitian one. The first bite of it was gross, after that it wasn't too bad until I got to the end, then I wanted to vomit because it was gross again so I threw the rest away. Do I dare try the texas bbq one (I bought it with the teriyaki one)?
Why most antidepressant drugs don't directly affect dopamine system in the brain?
despite the fact that one of the primary features of depression is "anhedonia" and mesolimbic dopamine system is a major neural substate of reward
Due to animosity towards IA, I am curious if any IA parents have felt compelled to say they adopted their kids?
I find this a sick practice. I don't understand why someone would do this. It's portraying a message to a child that they should be ashamed of themselves because you lie about them. If you will never tell them and lie to them as well, they'll find out someday anyway and then it's a disgrace, another double-whammy. Don't little people, little souls and children that will one day become a respective member of the society, deserve the RIGHT to know who they are and also have parents that proudly proclaim it? I think it's better to have a wholesome family and support your child and their culture and roots and be proud of that than lie to everyone and worry about what other people think about IA! At least being honest you teach your child to stand proud and stand up for what they believe in but also teach them that life brings adversities, if not in this case, someone will find something else to confront them with. This is nothing to be ashamed of, but the parents should be ashamed of themselves.
Anyone else feel like uncooked sphegetti?
Follow the ogy. People throw you around, you hit the walls hard, nothing seems to stick. Developmentally, is there something wrong? Or can you actually just be cut out to be a loner? I used to have a bunch of friends who I was really close with, now they all have boyfriends and/or don't return my calls. At this point, its been over a year since I really talked to someone I would call a best friend. I talk to people, just with no strong or long lasting relationships. I'm smart, but I try not to rub it in. I'm not extremely fat, or extemely pretty. Kind of homely, but open to new things and ideas. People say nice things about me, but no one really knows me. I overheard people at a lunch table across from mine playing a game the other day. Someone said, if there was someone near that you wish you could know better, who would it be? Me. Although it was nice, it bothered me and got me thinking. Please help. Am I just unapproachable? Do I not get out enough?
Going to spray flea spray in my backyard, how long do I have to wait to let my dogs go in the back?
I am going to spray this stuff 'enforcer' flea spray in my backyard because every time I let my dogs out back, they come in and I pick fleas (or ticks, not sure which is which.) off them. And they take the medicine from their dr. the help prevent fleas and ticks. But how long would you suggest I wait to let them go back in the back? I read and reread the instructions to see, but it doesn't say. SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! Thanks!
Looking for similar cars...?
I am looking to buy a new or newer used car but am not very knowledgeable about the different types of cars out there. What are some other cars out there that are similar to the Nissan Pathfinder, Mitsubishi Montero, Infiniti QX56, etc.?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Philip Jonah and Patricia Elaine or Robert Preston and Rebecca Elaine? ?
Im still undecided! I adore all the names and just cannot decide. Before you say Patricia will be called Pat or Patsy in school, she will be called Pippa from the moment shes born if we choose that. The name Patricia was the name of the doctor that delivered me and I have always loved the name and she recently died so I wanted to use it too. But Rebecca is my mothers name and shes just been diagnosed with cancer. So I want to honor her. As you can see, Im at a crossroads here. The boys name stay although Im not sure about Roberts middle name being Preston. Any suggestions? As for other nicknames, Rebecca would be Becca, Robert would be Bobby and Philip would probably stay Philip. Any help would be gratefully welcomed but please be nice. Im in a pretty fragile state of mind right now, on top of being busy with my brood of kiddos, work and everyone in my family getting sick and/or dying. Please dont add to it by being mean about something as simple as a possible baby name. Thanks and God Bless(:
How many rows are in the pit section at fiddler's green ampitheatre in denver?
It's now called Coor's ampitheatre, by the way. And it is the WORST venue to see a show in the Denver area. There is no pit and they make the bands keep the volume low and stop all shows at 10 or 11 pm SHARP. They also you for concessions. I HATE seeing shows at that venue.
ANyone got a good idea for an inscriptions on my sons senior ring. can only be 20 letters?
it will go on the inside of his ring and i really want to say something special, but having a hard time deciding. Any ideas
Lincoln's speeches...THE purposes of the gettysburg address and...?
What is the purpose of the gettysburg address and the second inaugural address? I need it for a question on my homework. thank you for the answer.
I have looked,searched, scrolled and surfed. Were can i find a nice peacefull relaxing 3 days in Scotland,?
Lodges, chalets so expensive, but i cant believe caravans are just as pricey.we need a few days break.Any recomondations
Beach wedding reception in california?
OK, everyone's really being helpful with the answering of which beach to be married at along the california coastline. NOW, here's where I've been having trouble finding information. I want to set up a canopy, and have the reception there, on the beach, not at a restraunt nearby or at a hotel, right there on the beach. Now:). Has anyone done this yet or know how it can be done, if it's ever been done? I'm planning a sunset wedding, with the reception afterwards, but a brunch before the wedding, complicated right?:) but... the tent will basically be up all day, so. Anyone knows how and where I can accomplish this? thanks
Are you a public toilet sneaky peeker?
It seems that for 21st century metroual man taking a sneaky peak is normal. What are you expecting to see? What you you possibly learn by it? Nothing! thats what. Therefore it must be a thrill thing and sneaky peekers are actually not metrouals but nob watchers. Discuss!
What is the proper way of saying this?
The second one works better, although you can abbreviate and go "I'll have a BA in Computer technology."
Why some girls are merciless?Also how can I face them again?
I am a 17 year old boy belonging to south india.A woman's volleyball tournament is undergoing in our town.One college team is staying in my home.Yesterday evening I followed the team to my home after their match in which they were defeated while all others in my family were watching game.All are at age of early 20s and they were looking so nice wearing their shorts.I started to teasing them for their loss.They were allready dissappointed and they were getting irritated.When we reached home their captain asked whether I can block their smash.I accepted it and she smashed the ball in a lightening speed.Ball hit me squerly at my groin.I was shocked out of pain.All girls were laughing at me and they mock me by keeping their hands on their groin.I cried there infront of them.Yesterday I couldnt sleep because of pain.Now I didnt have dare to see them again.They will be in our home for a week atleast.Why some girls are merciless?Also how can I face them again?
Wings and "things" bar for lunch?
thats what theyre serving for lunch over in the caf at work today. what do you think these "things" could be??
Where can i buy turbans? and how can i know all the types of turban around the world?
where can i buy turbans? and how can i know all the types of turban around the world? I love turbans but i don't know where to buy them. also i would like to know all the types of turbans used around the world.
What kind of aerosol spray paint would you recommend for painting a motorcycle (gas tank and fenders) with?
i have used krylon fusion rattle can paint for similar applications and it worked great for only costing 3 bucks
How is this deal on a 2004 Honda Accord with 48K miles?
nope , not a deal exactly, sadly, honda has dumped on its own reputation and the accord and civic are becoming more well known for engine and transmission problems, go to carcomplaints.com there are thousands of complaints about the accords in the last 10 years for all kinds of problems I used to recommend them, not any more Its a shame this company did not step up to the plate and do something about the problems, when it was a problem, all that happens now is toyota stays number One in the USA and that is not right.
For Roja R (Who wanted a quote about flowers) Okay?
Maybe because people can talk and express their "spikes" and flowers can only show what they represent? Flowers have spikes for defense - maybe that is also true for people - I'll hurt you first kind of thing - or see how much I have suffered - please give me way. Maybe the title has to be changed - I say this based on your statement that you like the flowers - but you can not say that about the people. There shows a "unlikeness" here.
Free ipod touch backup software?
is there a free way to completely backup an ipod touch? besides SSH? and not a free program that only does like 10 at a time...
Does anyone know if you could go to kinkos and change the background of your photos?
im kinda ditzy when it comes to photo editing and i wanted to see if there was a place i could just go to so someone could help me or show me how to do it. any places or ideas would be appreciated thanks!!
Do you like these names?
I say you put them all together and maybe you could be in The Guinness Book of World Records for baby with the longest name!!
Do you think the "loss" adoptees feel is the same "loss" as foster kids feel?
No one can really how they would feel unless they have experienced a situation. I hope all adoptees (regardless of whether or not they were once a foster child) don't look back on loss, but instead look forward to all of the good things being adopted can bring into your life.
How do i get better in mvc3?
To start this off i got this on launch day. I played it alot. My favorite characters would have to be Chris Redfield and Dante. Whenever i play online i always get beaten up badly. Sentinels were a huge problem for me but since the patch they dissapeared. I did all of Dante's and Chris's trials all 10. It took me a long time and i cant actually link them into anyone. I bought the fightpad it was the last one anywhere in my city. it takes a little getting used to. when i play i cant do the combos i do in training mode. I dont know if its lag or what. Characters like chris become really slower online and become useless in front of fast characters like X-23, Wolvie, and etc. Help what do i do to cope with that.
Would a missing coil bolt off the coil pack cause the car to missfire/sputter?
Car: 1994 Buick Lesabre V6...we went to check the coil packs and one of the bolts that holds the coils in was missing..would that cause the car to missfire/sputter while driving (at any speed)?
Which is the better choice
2009 Bentley Continental GTC convertible or 2009 Mercedes-Benz CL 65 AMG coupe. The Bentley is prices at about $193,000. The Mercedes is around $197,000. If someone is looking into making a purchase for those type of cars then they're obviously not caring that they're gas guzzlers. Or else they'd be buying a Honda or Toyota. Between those two luxury vehicles, which is the more showy car and the car that clearly beats the other one? Which is the better choice for a purchase?
Why won't my printer work?
i have a hp psc 2355 and nothing will print. there's paper and ink in it, but nothing will work. it's really starting to annoy me now, does anyone know why it won't work?
What channel is teen nick on? And..?
I wanted to watch the 90's shows they are putting on tonight on teen nick but I don't know what channel, isn't teen nick on nickelodeons channel? It says George Lopez is on..:( I wanted to watch some good television, ( especially AllThat :) ) instead of the dumb stuff that is on now like fanboy and chum chum. Sooo, why does it say George Lopez is on on nick, and isn't teen nick on nick? Thanks ;) have a great day :)
How many fish does it take to make a capsule of fish oil?
my boy was curious how many fishies were in 7 capsules of fish oil. we have no way of gauging- can you help??
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Math help please im so confused.?
break your question up into a few questions containing 2 parts each. few people here mess with these kinds of problems as it looks like you just want us to do your homework for you. we're here to help, not do your whole homework.
What would you do if you saw...?
Advertising M----------- is not a good idea on Y/A. A few years ago, the Health and safety of the Spanish government, put out a circular warning of the risks of poisoning by the M---------frozen beef burgers. M---------- threatened to sue in the law courts, and the Gov said "OK. Sue Us" But did M-------sue--- not on your life for they knew full well they were on a loser. The reason?--- the bacteria on a joint of beef is on the outside and the heat of oven kills all that bacteria. BUT when a coy such as M--------- strips the beef and reasembles as burghers-- where now is the bacteria- yes right - it is now not only on outside is also inside, and when the unquailied person places the frozen burgher on the hot plate, and turns it over it is still possible for the middle to be hard - so there is the poisoning facts. For frozen burghers must reach a temperature that kills all the bacteria. So do be careful.
WOW PVP Warlock (lvl 70.. 0/20/41) looking for defense tactics against rogues.?
Can anyone give any advice on any trinkets, enchants, etc.. that may be available to provide some type of defense against rogues in PVP?
People with CIDP, have you been checked for heavy metal poisoning?
For a time they thought my dad had CIDP because the symptoms fit exactly. Because his nerve biopsy came out inconclusive (a test that is helpful but not always performed before giving a diagnosis of CIDP) they continued to search. It finally came out that his problem was actually heavy metals poisoning. It had not been immediately obvious because blood tests only show current exposure, not past or chronic exposure. He got diagnoised following a hair ysis. This meant that chelation was an appropriate treatment but by the time he got this it was too late. He was so sick he could barely walk or sleep. He consequently died of a heart attack. Please get checked for heavy metals if you have this diagnosis.
Good teammate for Regigigas.?
I have a Parafusion, impish natured Regigigas. But Because of Slow Start, I would like a good teammate that can support and watch it's back. It would also be helpful if it can resist Earthquake too. Any suggestions?
Don't you love to show this WIKI chart to the AGW fanatics?
Umm hello? You see the inset graph on what you provided? The part that reads RECENT PROXIES. It clearly shows an increase in temperature. The page you provide even reads: And the most important caveat: Though all of this data is published, and the methodology is similar to previously published methodology, and resulting average is similar to previously published interpretations of the Holocene, even so, no peer reviewed scientific publication has ever combined precisely these data in precisely this way. Hence, any interpretation of that average must be regarded with skepticism.
How to get rid of the oder of cat urine in carpet and woodwork?
I don't know an exact name of a product, however when purchasing a product read carefully the ingredients. If the product contains ammonia it’s not advisable to use it. The reason is that cat urine smells very similar to ammonia. After cleaning cat urine with ammonia or a solution containing ammonia you may still have a problem with the cat returning to the area to urinate again.
Can i take a shower with a skin abrasion?
Sure and keep the area clean. If you prefer.......you may want to put a VERY thin film of antibiotic ointment on it and if you are putting on a shirt or lying down, apply a band aid loosely on top to keep the ointment from getting on other things.
Aftershocks Everywhere in C.A now!?
After shocks averaging 3.5 to 4.0 are spreading across the US/Mexican border...Quakes are appearing across northern California too....No quakes are happening ANYWHERE in the world today.....Are we about to feel a long pent up rubber band effect in LA ???
Fix my random mtg deck?
If you've got a lot of eventide cards and white m10 cards then make a white/black deck with cards like nip gwillion and edge of the divinity and deathbringer liege & some white m10 cards like white knight & pacifism
How many of you get this ''Oh Masha'Allah you've grown!''? 0.o?
It's like what the hell, of course i've grown im not from neverland! (stupid ppl) how do you react when you get this comment.
ok i am 13 years old and i want a new hair cut for school. i hav bron curly/wavy hair. i wuz thinking of ashlee tisdale because she has curly hair like me, but straightens it 2 like me. HELP ME!!! WUT HAIR STYLE SHLD I DO!!! i want it to be a celeb tho so i can print out a pix. thanx so much!!!
Training in forestry/tree-felling/woodland management?
Does anyone know of any PRACTICAL courses that covers tree-felling and working machinery in BRITAIN? We have scoured the internet and most accredited courses/degrees are more to do with countryside management and not actually skills training for a practical job. The forestry commission do not seem to do apprenticeships so I was wondering if anyone knew if and where this sort of training exists?
Is this deck any good?
I'd hate to sound rude but this deck is absolutely horrible. You seem to be trying too hard to be Jaden Yuki. You cannot put all the elemental Heroes into one deck. You need to make a choice about which E-Hero archetype you want and then build the deck.
Were America under the governance of the Republican right-wing (as it has been the last 8 years)?
Wrong, your question is moot because the republicans weren't in power since 2006 and most of the comments have nothing to do with the original question.
Ron Paul's economic plan, have you seen it or read it?
I have been sodl on Ron Paul, bring back the days of minding our own business, less spending and less gubment!
Will my inspiron 6400 dell laptop work with call of duty 4?
this is the site you need to visit,just enter the game you want to play and it will tell you if your laptop will play ita href="http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/referrer/srtest" rel="nofollow"http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/ref…/a
I can't get babies off my brain!!!???... pls read...?
I am a very happy 26 soon to be 27yr old mummy of 4, I have an 8yr old son Morgan, a 4yr old daughter Macey, a 3yr old son Regan & an 8month old dughter Ruby. I loved finding out I was pregnant with all of them, I loved being pregnant, I loved my hospital appointments, I loved the buzz waiting for them to arrive, I love every minute being a mum. I thought Ruby would be my last baby, a nice even number, 2 of each in perfect order.... But my brain is telling me otherwise & its really frustrating! I no that I shouldn't have anymore babies for reason's such as house & car space (although I do have a 7 seater!) & obviously because of money. Not only that but. I want to really enjoy my 4 babies. So why do I keep feeling so broody?? I do want another, but I am fighting it. I wish numbers weren't such an issue, I'd have 10 babies!! 5 just seems like so many :( anyone else had a big family or anyone else feel the same?? Pls help!! Thanks x
Best inspirational lyrics/quotes by modern rock bands?
Like, MCR, All Time Low, NeverShoutNever!, Tokio Hotel, Paramore, Marilyn Manson, Skillet, Aiden, Hawthorne Heights, Bring Me The Horizon, Avenged Sevenfold, AFI, The Academy Is..., Fall Out Boy, Emilie Autumn, HIM, Evanescence, Mindless Self Indulgence, Panic! At The Disco, Nirvana, The Used, 30STM... I'm serious, any modern rock band like that, lyrics by them or quotes from band members. Thanks!
Fantasy Hockey help please?
So I seem to always have a dilemma at the LW position. I have my top spot for it, Daniel Sedin. But then I have Alex Burrows and Ryane Clowe. Whenever Vancouver and San Jose play on the same day, I never know who to start between Burrows and Clowe. Who do you suggest?
Do you think that in an increasing Globalized world that nations and national gov'ts are losing their autonomy?
Alas yes it is happening, it is just a fashion though, now things are getting tight money wise this trend will change and government will start to look after the people that voted them in or get lynched.
This is probably a simple question but please help me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
hey u r sooo right that is a really simple question. the first thing u should try is sleeping with braids, i dont know 1 person who hasnt experimented with that in elemenary school. if you dont like how that turns out then make small braids and run them over with a flat iron. if you dont like that use go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6SVX4Ged3E (skip to 1:30) this really is my favorite way to make beachy wave. i really do hope i helped good luck:D
Why do fans boo Essendon's Brent Stanton?
Was I too young to remember something stupid he did or what ? I see no problem with him, he's actually one of the best midfielders we have. So why is Brent Stanton boo'ed ?
Why do conservatives continue to defend Sarah Palin?
Keep telling a lie long enough and loud enough and it'll become the truth. You're a shining example of this.
Working with dogs....?
You could be an agility trainer (making an umption here), with how many border collies you've had, have you done any agility? If they were working dogs, you could train working dogs. Work to your strengths.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
How important is padding in a motorcycle jacket?
I have to say good helmet and armoured suit is the way to go. I totalled a hayabusa at 120 mph, the bike was completely destroyed, there was a wheel barrow load of plastic all over the road, even the handle bars were broke off. I did not have a mark on me. You don't need armour until you crash.
How may I be obligated to medical bills for my non-custodial children?
I have a case review of my support order. I tried on several attempts to get health insurance. I tried contacting the custodian in regard to providing insurance and received no return call. My case worker said the judge didn't order I had to provide insurance. However I still think I may somehow have to pay. This is in Nevada. Should I hire an attorney?
How to know what kinda engine i can swap in my car?
i want to make a bad *** 1/4 mile car and i was thinkng a skyline engine in a 2000 mustangs body could that work if not why not and whatd be a good one
Has anyone been prescribed the drug Lamictal?
A well known doctor has prescribed Lamictal for me for mood stabilization. He explained that a lot of times depression is the diagnosis when it's really not and bipolar could be the diagnosis. There is bipolar one and bipolar two according to him. I've been on antidepressants for many years. Anyway, my question is that I feel more depressed now than I did before and it seems to be all the time when it was only one and off before taking Lamictal. Yes, I am going to report this to him of course but I am just wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them and can give me some information. Please no judgement responses. Thanks.
I need a really good Book Series to read! (like twilight)?
I just finished the Twlilight series and I loved it. I also love the series by Sherrilyn Kenyon (more vampire romance). I love series's and need a new one...preferably targeting an older crowd and not all fantasy (no dragons and warriors etc). Any suggestions?
Difference between 5 amp motor 208v 1 phase 60htz, compared to a 5 amp motor 208v 3 phase at 60htz any $ sav?
A three phase motor requires 3 separate 208 volt AC lines plus the neutral. A single phase motor only requires one 208 volt AC line plus the neutral. There are also two types of three phase connections: A three phase delta and a three phase "Y" hook-ups. Unless you have three phase input from the pole you can't hook up a three phase motor.
How is a Coroner related to biology? How do they use biology in their jobs?
A Coroner is part of bio medicine. Biology; the study of living things sometimes uses the dead to advance knowledge.
Do you think Jose Francisco Torres can lead the USA over England June 12th?
The young Pachuca player really claimed a hold of the midfield against Turkey and changed the pace of the game, leading the USA to a 2-1 win over Turkey. He possesses skill on the ball, composure, and great vision. He was also solid in defense today as a holding midfielder. Is he what the USA needs to defeat England?
About how much would it cost to replace an alternator?
I have a 2002 Ford Taurus. One day when I was driving home the battery light came on. I thought nothing of it was going to go to my dad's to see if he thought was the matter. Well the next night I'm going home. The dash panel dies, the lights and the gauges, it sounded like I had my turn signal on when I didn't, my headlights and taillights slowly dimmed then died. I ended up having to drive home with no lights for about 2-3 miles. Do you guys think it might be something else, and if not how expensive of a fix do you think it'll be?
Pretty maltese names?
she is a female, pure white and really small. I was thinking of Leila or Arabella... any other pretty names??
Why is Gay Ryan Seacrest Dating Julianne Hough?
julianne is my favorite singer and i feel bad for her because she's dating ryan seacrest, she is too young for him she is oly 22 and he's 36 .. poor julianne she is being used by ryan kinda like a cover up.. what do you guys think :( :(
Hey 9/11 truth seekers-Who perpetrated it and why?
crazy muslim extremists...and anyone who thinks the US gov. did it is a conspiracy theorizing nutball
The cycle of emotional abuse, why are abusers attracted to me and vice/verca?
I think the one thing you haven't mentioned and maybe have yet to realize is you are not only getting or attracting emotionally abusive men, but these same men are also emotionally unavailable men as well. This makes it much easier for you to get out of or escape from a relationship. You are strong and confident, something a great many men do not have and what they see in you, they want for their self, not realizing they cannot get it or take it from you. They must earn this for themselves. By the time you see this, you are already seat belted in the car, going down the highway at a rapid speed and can't jump out.(a little ogy there) I do not believe for a minute you want or like abuse in your life, who would? The only way this could be is if you felt deep down you deserved no better which is something only you can answer within yourself...In order to rectify or heal from this for good, you will have to go back to your very first initial male relationship, probably your fathers, because I believe your answer is there. You can write about your relationship with him and his relationship with your mom. See if there is a similarity there. Then see if you have the same similarity in your relationships..You can also not put yourself down by calling yourself stupid because this does not help your esteem, especially if you use this around men..I have an email on my profile if you later want to discuss this further, any time..Take care, and yes, I was there too...
Making love with my hubby/?
iv gone off /love watever u call it,wats up with me?i want to ravage my hubby but when we get to bed...im dead....i want to but i make excuses,im not a teen ,im 36 wif 5 boys and love it ,but wen it comes to bed i make excuses,am i wrong ,not being rite as i no i aint but help me plz as i want to sattisfie but feel held back......
Trade jobs(electrician, plumber, locksmith, etc.)?
Im looking for a change and i want to do one of the trades. Does anyone know a good place to find out starting wages and schooling required for the various trades.
Edmunds, kbb, black book show $7K+ for my trade-in. Why is the dealer offering Galves book of $5500?
Most of those sites are on the high side. Dealers have to go by what the vehicle is selling for in the market, at auction, etc. They won't give top dollar, cause they have to recondition the vehicle, repair anything that it needs, then advertise it, and sell it and make a profit.
What do "pay back in kind" and "exaction of payment in kind" mean in the etymology explanation of retaliation?
1580s, from L.L. retaliare "pay back in kind," from re- "back" + L. talio "exaction of payment in kind," from talis "suchlike." Originally used both in good and evil senses.
Help. My girlfriend and I moved to Chattanooga, TN from Miami?
My question is, why is everyone so obese especially here in the suburbs (Hixon) where we live? Every time we go to the mall, there's nothing but big big bellies everywhere. Some people are so large that they have to ride in electric carts because they can't walk very far. I get so sad I just want to help these people. I wish that they could know what they are doing to their bodies when they are pigging out at the Olive Garden and Golden Corral :(
Where would you get a star trek pez dispenser?
Walmart still sells them near the checkout counters, sometimes down the aisle where the baseball cards are. Besides Walmart the only other place that I have ever seen them is collectors card stores that sell baseball cards and stuff.
What countries in your opinion have the hottest hotties?
I know there's hotties in every country, but come on, lay it out! Which countries in your opinion have the hottest hotties in your opinion? (Women or men)?
How does BORIC ACID really kill roaches and waterbugs?
When they run across the boric acid it gets on their feet and they lick it off. By getting it in their mouth it kills them.
What do you think about this video of Osama Bin Laden taping with himself?
I don’t know. That could be him. Maybe he just needed to remind himself that there were people out there that still feared him. Being cooped up in a “palace” that most slum dwellers in the United States would turn their noses up at and not getting an exercise except to pace back and forth in a small courtyard for five years it must have been hard to remember he was the focus of a huge man-hunt when it felt like he was already in prison.
...my sphincter is terribly swollen...emitting a foul-smelling yellowish puss..Does anyone know what it is?
you have a bad infection get to your doctor or the ER before it turns into staff infection if it hasnt already.
A stone is launched straight up by a slingshot. Its initial speed is 19.5 m/s and the stone is 1.4 m above the
the ground when launched. (a) How high above the ground does the stone rise? (b) How much time elapses before the stone hits the ground?
I need answers on usmc please?
The rank really depends on your job. I know quite a few marines that are 6 years in and just making Cpl or Sgt. On the other hand I know a young infantry marine that is halfway through his third year and is up for promotion to Sgt.
More name help, will you tell me your opinion?
These are cool names! I mean, Alex and Jade are common names, but the rest sound cool! The story sounds good. I really can't think of any names to match the ones you have, because they're strange and cool. Just keep looking, there are some out there!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Calculate the potential difference?
Calcluate the potential difference (in kV) needed to give a helium nucleus a kinetic energy of 65.0 keV.
Why are credit card companies allowed to charge such high APR, late charges and other fees?
The economy would grow much faster if billions of dollars were not tied up in interest and other charges that these credit card companies charge. Even though knee caps aren't being broken these high rates are the same as loan sharking. Why hasn't are president done something about these unwarranted rates?
Is it weird if you dont go to your formal (prom) in last year of school? i dont want to go!!?
I didn't go to either of my proms and no one ever asked me why or gave me any sort of issue and I was "Miss Popularity" in high school. It just wasn't my cup of tea to get all dolled up and spent the night with a bunch of people who were being fake. So I didn't go and here I am 25 years later, and I haven't given it a second thought. I will say this though, when I was in the 5th grade, I was the tallest girl in my cl, I was 5'2" tall. Today, I'm 5'2" tall and I wear the highest heels possible without looking like a crane and I try to stretch my body upward toward the sky. I WISH I WERE YOUR HEIGHT! You may not believe me now, but if you remember this post when you are 30, you will know I'm right...pay attention to your posture, don't stoop over and make yourself round shouldered. Tall, confident women are SOOO unbelievably attractive. You have the ability to turn every head in the room if you will master your own self esteem and find that your own worth and beauty do not rest on any one else's opinions of you. Tall women always look better in off the shoulder and no shoulder fashions, you always look better in shorter skirts, you always look better in jeans with boots...face it, sweetie, you tall girls with confidence cannot be beat!!! So whether or not you go to prom, just remember to stand tall and sit up straight, you'll thank me in about a 15 years!
Why was Obama not removed from Office by Biden immediately after breaking the Constitution?
it is so scary to me that the conservatives don't have a voice and Obama can do whatever he pleases, anything he wants will get ped
Is this poem any good?
Pretty good. I wonder are you Scottish by any chance? I noticed that you used whist and that's a Scottish word. Just wondering.
A little concerned about my dogs weight?
I can understand why you are worried, but there is no need. You dog looks great! I know it is easy to worry over it , but the vet siad he was fine. Your dog looks wonderful. If your still worried go to a different vet and get a second opinion.
How long do burn-through marks on LCD monitors take to fade?
If they are truly burnt in, then they will never go away. If they are polarized elements, then a few hours off will probably clear them up, especially if there is a temperature change while inactive.
Is the Bobbi Brown products okay for a 14 year old?
only some. not all . sont use the foundation concealer primer. etc. just the lipglosses eyeshadows and blushes.
Im sick of all this poisioning in our foods such as aspartame and flouride, what can I do?
I know there's not much I can do but Im so angry at these organizations. Steroids can harm you, they banned them. McDonald's harms people more than steroids I think. I also think there's a conspiracy about aspartame, yes I know its been approved by the FDA after they got their NEW "boss" and after hiring another staff to make the vote 3-3, they tested it on monkey babies and 5 of them had seizures and 1 of them died. Fluoride "detoxifies" our pineal gland, WHICH IS SO IMPORTANT, they put it in our water because it cleans our teeth but there hasn't been strong Evidence for that. Im so angry what can I Do?
Concerned over lack of care from midwife / hospital. What would you advise?
The next time you talk to your midwife, be ertive and tell her how you're feeling. And if they don't apologize and improve your care then get another midwife. You don't have to stick with the same one if you aren't happy.
Doesn't Evangelical Christianity still consider dishonesty a sin? "Pell Grants for Kids?"?
Yes, but Bush is an accomplished liar so it's not a huge surprise. Don't worry. He's only got 11 months left.
Which of these schools has the best nutrition program?
University of New Haven, Saint Louis University, Winthrop University, LaSalle University, or Drexel University?
I can not seem to find this book?
AP Achiever (Advanced Placement* Exam Preparation Guide) for AP World. Im trying to find inside of it, does anybody know a website where I can. If not I'm going to have to go waste my money on another school book. bummer.
Who is better looking Anna Popplewell or Georgie Henley?
I'm watching the Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian right now and can't seem to decide. Help! By the way these girls play the characters of Susan and Lucy Pevensie.
What do you guys think this means?
okkay,so i was late to cl and i walked in and this guy said " johanna's here, woohhooo!" what does that mean?
Do u hv any shceme Like "U hv won a prize money of Five hundred thousand, Great Britain Pounds Sterlin in Oct7
I believe that such scheme is trying trick you into something. Please becareful. Please refer attached link for more info.
How do I collect my Child Support? If my mom isn't supporting me?
If your mom has been receiving child support then you will not see any. Unfortunately a parent can do whatever they please with child support. While it is meant to be used for the child, many custodial parents don't use it for the intended purpose. Child support orders cease at the age of 18, unless it states differently in the support order.
My baby has a low temperature?
my 16-month old baby has a low temperature (35.6 degrees c) but feels v.hot & clammy to touch.. help! am single mum, it's gone midnight & I have nobody around to ask right now!! thanks!
Guitar pedal help? 10 pts?
i have a very little bit of money and i need to get some pedals. i have the choice of the ibanez echo/delay, the boss super overdrive and the ibanez ton-lok chorus. which 2 should i get. this considering i have a peavey clic 30 and an ibanez artist series guitar. i play EVERYTHING and i mean that literally.
Any unattached B Guitar players in or near Boise ID? Experienced startup band looking for a good b.?
Band will be 4 players. Lead, Rythem, drummer, mixer man, already set. Need B. Vocals not necessary. Music will be "Clic Rock" primarily, some country, some origional tunes. Have equip, Have potential Gig as house band for downtown Boise bar. Auditions available. Band name is "Last chance" We are looking for B player over 30 yr old who knows and can play '60's and 70's style rock. Current band members are all over 50yrs old. We don't anticipate any travel. We plan to be popular, locally but not worldwide famous. Reply only if U proficient and qualified.
I THINK IM SCREWED!!!!!! For the Colleges I want to go to!?
Do great on your SAT's or ACT's. Join lots of clubs, and sports, write an excellent admittance letter.
Parents stealing and destroying childrens property?
What you can do in the future to prevent such situations is listen to your parents. As you are under 18 more than likely and you live in their house, your dad had every right to do what he did. You own nothing.
Help with an user name??? 10 points?
i cant come up with a user name for arcanists.com it needs to have 12 letters/numbers and underscores...i want it to have the words evil or joker...and i also want it to be intimidating or just funny....10 points for the best user name(s)
Why not federalize the public school system and have a equal amount of spending per child?
I despise affirmative action and reverse discrimination but I do agree "institutionalized racism" exist. All though education is not a right set down in our constitution it is the one institution that can equal the playing field and bring out the most in human potential. Why not federalize all public schools so that both rich and poor received adequate funding for education. It’s no more communist then social security or federal tax with holding and it would abolish "institutional racism" both affirmative action and poor education
I hate my life.. what do you think?
Firstly, commiserations for your trouble times. However if you are getting a B in GCSEs, then you should be happy. Only focus on your own targets rather than someone else's targets for you.
Slasher film where there is NO final girl?
I need an example of a slasher film where there is a final guy as opposed to a final girl. Any ideas? The only thing I can come up with so far is the first Hostel movie.
What do you think of my poem?
You have so much potential for poetry. Really, this is the best I've seen in awhile :] It paints a picture in my mind. I love it!
How would a Deacon of a church help me if I go and talk to him about problems?
" Deacons share in Christ's mission and grace in a special way. The sacrament of Holy Orders marks them with an imprint ("character") which cannot be removed and which configures them to Christ, who made himself the "deacon" or servant of all. Among other tasks, it is the task of deacons to ist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the divine mysteries, above all the Eucharist, in the distribution of Holy Communion, in isting at and blessing marriages, in the proclamation of the Gospel and preaching, in presiding over funerals, and in dedicating themselves to the various ministries of charity." - from the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1570
What is the major landforms of Africa,Mali?
Africa has the Fouta Djalon Mountains in the West. Sorry, cant remember more right now. Hope that helps.
What Is The Military Rental Partnership Program?
Could someone please sum this up for me? I'm in the army and am actually trying to do some research because I would love to rent a home for me and my family. I'm actually new to this all, so keep the negativity to yourselves please. Just have a few questions, that's all... My BAH amount for Fort Bragg is $1,065. And I've actually found a home that is big enough to hold my family. But the thing is,.. it's $1,200 a month + $200 for utilities =$1,400. Ok, we all know that my BAH won't cover it, so the extra few hundred will just have to come out of my pocket. But my question is, what exactly does this Military Rental Partnership Program do to help me with renting a home? I hear that it could waive the 3x a month requirement. Is that true? Is there a way for the landlord to just except my BAH amount and I'll just pay the little extra $335 out of my pocket? Thank you for all your help.
Pains in chest?
whether or not you want it on your record.. my suggestion would be to see your dr. could be nothing, could be something. only tests will show for sure..
Any help for a guitarist?
Hendrix, Clapton, SRV all played guitars with 22 frets. You have a lot to learn. And yes, I'm not answering your question on purpose.
This is more a song than a poem (it doesn't follow meter) but what do you think?
This "poem" or "song" or whatever it is...is very silly but i like it. Makes hardly any sense to me but it's ok. I was actually able to sing along to the tune of "Hush Little Baby" pretty accurately.
Was anyone impressed by "the answers" first game back? Will he help the sixers?
I know the sixers suck but I am still a die heart fan. Lets face it he did okay he needs work on his D but he will help the sixers. Do you agree.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Omggggggg!!!!!!!! HELP =( !!?
See now you can play on this *****-*** chick's overwhelming attitude. Really, if you were given a choice between two ppl and one was all up in ur business ALL THE TIME and there is someone else who treats you like an actual person, who would you choose? O_o lol so here's what you do. I don't know EVERYTHING thats going on obviously, but from what you say...you should try to initiate some conversation first. Just treat him like an actual human being and not some hottie that your after (even though that actually is the case) Try to get in some casual talk whenever the opportunity shows itself. But don't be overwhelming, just be friendly and basically be cool. Guys like girls who they can talk to, and if you do that you'll seem WAY better than the girl that is up his *** =P let me know if any of that works though. my friend is MAD pimp. I mean whenever she wants a guy we work it so she gets him so I got ur back =]
Can you help me find this song?
It goes da dun dun dun dun da dun da dun. then it continues. da dun dun dun dun da dun da dun. it has a old Clic boomerang effect noise from the 50s-to 70s music. its a jazz song I love it so much. but i cant figure out what song it is or who song it. its all instrumental no one sings it
I never knew tranuals can sound like a woman?
like Miriam Rivera , i always thougth they cant do that, i heard from many people they can switch their voices from manly to womanly, and i also thought it wasnt posiible too, intil i heard of Miriam Rivera, so did technology upgraded for these guys the last few years or there was alwats theses options? and if they are like that how to tell between a real women and one like Miriam Rivera except for the fact that the guy still has a thing
My boss has not properly signed my AWA - does that make it binding?
Last year my employer introduced workplace contracts. I was happy to sign it at the time but since then the bosses partnership (business) has had some rough patches and work has become a less than nice place to be. One of the components of the contract was that due to loss of goodwill, I could not seek employment within a 15 km radius within a two year period of terminating employment. I was looking at my copy of the contract this week and have noticed 1. It is not dated and 2. The employers signatures do not have a signed witness (there is a gap but they never got a witness to sign). Is this contract a valid contract or do the absence of these two features make it just a worthless piece of paper? Am I eligible to take a job up the road as I feel I need to leave this job before it really gets ugly.
Wedding bands?
My fiance wants a black wedding band, which I'm totally cool with because its different, and he is into heavy metal and stuff so its right up his alley (You know, onyx, titanium, haematite or black gold). Can anyone suggest stores etc that they may have seen black mens rings in Australia before? I can't remeber noticing any around, except online, and I'd prefer to avoid the internet if possible! Thanks!
How Do You Tie A Bandana Into A Bow?
Like this a href="http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/showbiz/images/attachement/jpg/site1/20091215/0023ae606f170c917f8a05.jpg" rel="nofollow"http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/showbiz/ima…/a
Physics help??
A plane designed for vertical takeoff has a m of 8500 kg. Find the net work done on the plane as it accelerates upward at 0.55 m/s(squared) through a distance of 33.1 m after starting from rest. Answer in units of J.
Which Plueger supreme reel should I use with my Shimano rod?
Hi. I recently bought a Shimano Compre 6'6 rod and still deciding whether to match it with a Pflueger Supreme 8030 or 8035. Is there a big difference? The 8030 says it can hold 6lb line and 8035 says 8lb, but can you use 8lb line on the 8030. I mainly do light/med fishing, targeting bream, snapper, whiting, flathead, threadfin salmon and jewfish (10kg). Please suggest the best combination.
Will Trevor Ariza become a superstar? Whats missing?
I think he has potential. He is a great defender, rebounder and per but he needs to have consistent shooting. If he can improve his jump shot he could turn out to be a really good player.
Any bus or train trip to las vegea from fremont/san jose ca?
Hi,I would like to take my dad to las vegas and i don't want to drive 9 hours and plance tickets is very expensive so their any bus or train that go to las vegas from san jose/fremont.how much is the tickets and and how long it will take.thx
Should i go ?
im done with guys... all they do is make u cry and upset u and i think i should go lez to avoid all this pain and to save my tears.
Gears of War story line?
I have the game but I'm thinking of returning it to get rainbow six vegas2 or battlefiled:bad company. Should I keep it? Is the story line just shooting locust and at the end you blow a bomb? I just care about the story line. So is it worth keeping.
My Latina girlfriend told me "que nunca duermas en paz", what dose that mean?
It means "Never sleep in peace"... possibly like a curse/wish for you never to be able to rest because you're such a jerk to her (from her perspective)
How long does it take for a person to show signs of a septic blood infection?
my mother in law recently died from a septic blood infection and what I wanted to know is how long can a person have a septic infection before the symptoms become evident. Is there a dorment period or is it something that happens all at once. I guess I need to know what the incubation period is for a septic infection, if there is one at all.
Where can I find a list of all of shakespeare's plays?
I love Shakespeare and I want to complete my collection of his work. So far I have Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear and Romeo and Juliet.
Best Father Son Combo in NHL History?
As of right now I would say the Howes. But when all things are said and done it very well could the the Stastnys .
Any good Idea's for a High end Kitchen Appliance and Interior Design Center Name?
My mom is in the process of buying the store she currently works at "Kitchen Elegance" we hate that name! We are located in Gulfport MS REALLY close to the beach. We sell high end kitchen appliances such as Viking, Gaggenau, Thermador, Sub-zero, Wolf, AGA, Dacor, Bosch, Ariston, Diva, Blue Star, just the name of few. We are going to add a contractor brand such as GE monogram or Profile, due to the high volumes of condo's being built on the beaches here in South MS. We also do custom ds, flooring "tile, carpet, and wood" also we do custom cabinets and kraft-maid. Also we do Granite Counter Tops. We are the exclusive high end appliance store on the coast! Thanks! We want a fresh interesting name that people will remember! If its a foreign name make it one word please!
How to keep my hair straight after straightening it?
i straighten my hair and it is naturally extremely curly on days when it isnt so hot and i dont sweat so much it stays straight but on the days wen i sweat alot it curls at the ends or if its really humid out it just poofs up into a afro well not really but its all nasty and curly. does ne one have ne suggestions on what to do or products that will keep it straight no matter how much i sweat or how humid it gets?
What would you do if...?
I agree it's offensive in any situation. When I was a teenager doing this type of behavior in public, a policeman stopped us and said there was a law about public display of this sort of behavior, indecent I think he called it. I don't watch the show cuz I don't think they should act out these kind of things as entertainment.
Whats the difference between a "Memory Stick" vs. "Flash Drive" vs. "Jump Drive"?
I get that all these allow portability of files, but I don't get what the difference is between these (and whatever else is out there) and I need to go buy one.
Is this normal for a guy to be doing?
People have a disgusting habit of changing there personality when with different people. He'll joke with his cousin about cheating cause if only because they're guys. Whether he's serious about it or not... well you know him better than me, you make the call.
New paintball gun what to do ?
HI there i am a 16 year old that just got in to paintball about 4 months ago.I bought a mr1 spyder paintball marker it was cheap so i got it just to make sure i did buy it then didn't like the sport but now I'm sure I love it! and I want to buy a nicer gun. my question is when i first get the gun do i haft to take it apart and clean it and lube it up because the first day i got the mr1 i didn't clean it or do anything and after a days play i took out the bolt and found that the bolt had deep scraches and that there were metal shavings in the marker plz help
Installing a slate floor over existing vinyl floor?
Are you sure its just over plywood and not luan? If there is luan underneath, it could eventually delaminate and cause the floor to fail. Otherwise, you're fine going over vinyl, just use a belt sander to rough it up. Also, if youre going to self level, do it over the backerboard, just make sure to use a latex primer so the SLC adheres to the backerboard.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
BWCA (Minnesota) Tackle help?
IM going to the BWCA in MN for 5 days, what type of tackle should i bring? like things such as daredevils??? or what?
Where to buy bom shelter?
hi i live in ricmond virgina and i want to build a shelter to protect me from barok oboma. i heard from bob oriley on the tv screen that he wants to bom us and i dont no wut 2 do? just think abowt it. his name is obama wich rimes wit OSAMA and has the word BOM rite in the middel of it. his first name is barok wich rimes wiht IRAQ. i need 2 finde a place in ricmond ware i can buy a shelter to protect me frum him wen he tries to bom us all? what is the best place to find 1?
I hear a voice in my head...now gone?
Sounds like you have some form of psychosis going on. It could be schizophrenia. Best to let you doctor diagnose and then refer you for treatment.
Is there real life superheros ever doented?
not like cap crusaders but people who take the law into there own hands and made a name for protecting the city. like a vigilante or someone who puts the criminals in jail
What could cause high humidity and condensation in an apartment?
you don't say where you live if its feasible keep the windows open in the summer get a/c to remove the moisture if you have a bathroom window keep it open and keep the bathroom door closed
What will happen after my car gets repossessed?
I have a 1 year old car that is upside down $15,000. I'm still current on the payments but it's either a large mortgage and food or the car. I have to let it go. SUCKS for my credit but I made a poor decision in buying it, don't preach (don't need moral/ethics lessons right now). I do need to know what's next. Can they garnish wages in California? Or sue me in court? Attach my house? Send Guido with a bat? At this point I don't care about my credit cause I don't owe anything on credit cards, I already have a house (no equity though) and I have another car that is paid off. I can live without good credit for another 10 years but I don't want to get a lawyer.
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