Friday, August 12, 2011

Due to animosity towards IA, I am curious if any IA parents have felt compelled to say they adopted their kids?

I find this a sick practice. I don't understand why someone would do this. It's portraying a message to a child that they should be ashamed of themselves because you lie about them. If you will never tell them and lie to them as well, they'll find out someday anyway and then it's a disgrace, another double-whammy. Don't little people, little souls and children that will one day become a respective member of the society, deserve the RIGHT to know who they are and also have parents that proudly proclaim it? I think it's better to have a wholesome family and support your child and their culture and roots and be proud of that than lie to everyone and worry about what other people think about IA! At least being honest you teach your child to stand proud and stand up for what they believe in but also teach them that life brings adversities, if not in this case, someone will find something else to confront them with. This is nothing to be ashamed of, but the parents should be ashamed of themselves.

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