Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The cycle of emotional abuse, why are abusers attracted to me and vice/verca?

I think the one thing you haven't mentioned and maybe have yet to realize is you are not only getting or attracting emotionally abusive men, but these same men are also emotionally unavailable men as well. This makes it much easier for you to get out of or escape from a relationship. You are strong and confident, something a great many men do not have and what they see in you, they want for their self, not realizing they cannot get it or take it from you. They must earn this for themselves. By the time you see this, you are already seat belted in the car, going down the highway at a rapid speed and can't jump out.(a little ogy there) I do not believe for a minute you want or like abuse in your life, who would? The only way this could be is if you felt deep down you deserved no better which is something only you can answer within yourself...In order to rectify or heal from this for good, you will have to go back to your very first initial male relationship, probably your fathers, because I believe your answer is there. You can write about your relationship with him and his relationship with your mom. See if there is a similarity there. Then see if you have the same similarity in your relationships..You can also not put yourself down by calling yourself stupid because this does not help your esteem, especially if you use this around men..I have an email on my profile if you later want to discuss this further, any time..Take care, and yes, I was there too...

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